Friday, April 25, 2008


Most of you have already seen the announcement in Star_Awards' presentation about the account being taken over by someone by the name of "Casey". I received tons of messages today from people accusing Linda of staging this all as a publicity stunt, and speculating that "Casey" was just Linda pretending to be someone else for attention, or to recreate herself with a new persona.After some investigating we spoke to the new Star_Awards and asked her to tell us what her main account was, to help put these rumors to rest. She reluctantly revealed to us that her main account is Beautiful_Style (click to inlarge:)
It was especially important for me to get more information because Linda was a friend, and one of the only people who I really consider sincere and genuine on Stardoll. And it saddened me to see her make an important decision to focus on her personal life, and her father's illness, and have so many people be cynical about it. Not that I blamed any of them. On Stardoll you never know, and people are rarely what they seem.
We asked Casey a few questions about the future of the Star_Awards, and what changes (if any) she will make. That interview will be posted tomorrow. In the mean time let's try to give Linda the benefit of the doubt, and give Casey a break. I have, I've even forgiven her for giving Star_Awards that hideous hairstyle.

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